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What does the "free" in Free Artist Studio Training mean?

  1. Free: how we feel because of the work.

  2. Fee: All sessions are free or by donation. 

How does it work?

At every session there will a box where you can make your donation. If you are unable to make a donation one time, no problem! If you can make a $20 donation, amazing! That will go towards subsiding another artist in the room. As our lives ebb and flow so do our bank accounts. We want to create a community where you are able to support your fellow artists when you can, and lean on their support when you need to. You can always come and train.

Where is your donation going?

We are dedicated to transparency. Here’s where your money is going:


Space: covering the cost of the studio space for FAST. We do our best to cultivate relationships with buildings that understand our mandate. We do our best to respect and support them in return.


Administration: covering the costs of our website, curation, outreach, and general administrative tasks (we do this so all you have to do is come and train).


Development: we have big dreams for FAST! Once our costs are covered, a portion of your donation will go towards developing new programming (such as affordable master classes and subsidizing artists). 

Want to support affordable training for artists?

Become a donor! Donate your space! Offer curation ideas!

Email to get in contact with Jessie and Alice.

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